In the latest Letter from the Producer LIVE of Final Fantasy XIV, the Game Director Yoshida has revealed that the upcoming Game Update 2.2 that will be coming is called “Through the Maelstrom”. ffxiv gil
When the newest game update for Final Fantasy XIV hits next month, players will once again be greeted with a plethora of new content that they can do alone or with friends. One of the biggest additions of the newest update is the addition of Leviathan as one of the primal battles. In addition, a hard mode version of two classic dungeons will also be introduced, a new set of tomestones will be available where far greater loot awaits. Not to mention there’s also a new dungeon called “Ruins of Amdapor” where more of its secrets will finally be revealed.
For people who love doing the Binding Coil of Bahamut, Square Enix will introduce four to five new turns while nerfing the first five. With the first five being nerfed down, it will be available on the Duty Finder.
That’s all there it is to know in the Through the Maelstrom update. As we head near March, we should find out more as to what content the newest game update will have. More read: Final Fantasy XIV Gold