It is report that you can download the Final Fnatasy XIV: A Realm Reborn client ahead of this weekend's beta test if you are PlayStation 4 owners. Is it amazing information for every ffxiv player(Final Fantasy 14 Gil)? The anwser must be yes, hahaha...Now, if you want to konw more detail, please continue read the article.
You can downloaded 11GB client directly from the PlayStation Store, you also can queued from the Sony Entertainment Network website. On Saturday, February 22, until Monday, March 3, Phase 1 of the beta will be kicks off. It give players the chance to check out the game for free and also level up their character to level 20. Be warned, though, that progress will not be carried over to the full game once the beta ends.
On April, The PlayStation 4 version of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn launches in full and the PlayStation 3 players able to migrate their progress over to the next-gen version free of charge. The PS4 game includes support for full 1080p and PS Vita Remote Play, plus mouse, keyboard and touchpad support. You should transfer PlayStation 3 to Playtation 4 quickly if you still at PS3, because transter your account to PS4 for free on Friday, April 11th, 2014. No matter what the game changed, the important thing is enjoy the game. You can read more information about Final Fnatasy XIV by visit: ffxivingil, good luck to you in Final Fantasy XIV game.