
The left pair is activated

When you switch to the controller interface your action bar also changes to two pairs of crosses with four actions each, for a total of ffxiv gil. Each pair of crosses corresponds to the D-pad and the face buttons of the controller. The left pair is activated by holding the left trigger, while the right pair is activated by holding the right trigger. Holding each trigger will also evidence the selected pair and will cause the names of the actions on them to pop up for to further intuitive activation.

Sounds complex? It’s not. The most important result is that each action can be fired with a single combination of trigger and button, making using the controller just as quick as using your old and trusted keyboard and mouse. It’s a solution that I can’t hesitate to define a stroke of genius and that I can see converting quite a few PC-elitists into controller enthusiasts when combined with the movement precision granted by the analog control sticks.

The armory system seems almost unchanged from what we’ve seen in the late evolution of the previous incarnation of the game, besides the fact that almost all the actions have been changed or tweaked and that you need to get to level ten with your first selected class in order to unlock the ability to switch to other classes. This isn’t much of an obstacle, as you reach level ten quite quickly, and the limitation has probably been put in place to make the initial progression a little more linear and less confusing for those that haven’t experienced the system before.

